04 Oct 2022
International Teacher’s Day – Meet Pascal Blackburn Rogers

It’s International Teachers’ Day, and we would like to celebrate the work of all those who are passionate about sharing their knowledge with younger people. We’ll do so by showcasing the work of Pascal Blackburn Rogers, Forest technologist in the Department of Forest Technology at the Cégep de Chicoutimi, and early adopter of FRE3DOM!
“Sharing knowledge with people, in my case, knowledge related to forestry, is my true passion. And we are lucky here at Cégep de Chicoutimi, because students who choose our program are curious and eager to learn! The wealth of existing 3D data gives us a better understanding of the territory, and it allows us to better manage its resources!”
Mr. Blackburn Rogers has been using a FRE3DOM, our monitor offering 3D visualization without glasses, for almost a year to prepare all the field exercises carried by students under his supervision.
“Before any field work, I use FRE3DOM to assess the vegetation and plan the exercises that will be carried out by the students. It gives us a much better understanding of the territory, so that once in the field, we are more efficient in finding our way and getting our students to accomplish their assignments. Afterwards, the most curious ones like to stop by my office to get a glimpse of glasses-free 3D.” Lucky students! 😉