16 Jun 2022
3 year-bday for AYE3D! 🎉🎉🎉

A 3-year anniversary is an important milestone for our company!
3 years in 3D, it’s a crazy path with many accomplishments, such as:
- In June 2019, Jean-Etienne Gaudreau and Mario Genest created AYE3D
- AYE3D was chosen to be incubated by Quantino!
- We presented our glasses-free 3D monitor FRE3DOM in more than 10 exhibitions (Europe, US and of course Canada)
- Over 10 media coverage (TVA, La Presse, Le Lien multimedia, MonCarnet, Lanterne Digitale, RadioTalbot…)
- Several recognitions and prizes: Révélation 2022 from Startup Montréal, Epic MegaGrants, Impulsion PME from Investissement Québec
- The implementation, with INO, of our first production line and the first FRE3DOM monitors ready to sell
- Our first sales and shipping of FRE3DOM
- A team that thrives and grows
And we’re just as commited innovating to improve 3D experience as on our first day…
To celebrate a bit with you, we are sharing a photo from our very first professional photo shoot, in addition to photo with our team, without which this milestone would not be possible!
⭐⭐⭐ Thank you to our investors, our partners, our clients and of course our employees for these incredible first 3 years! ⭐⭐⭐